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News, Events, Calendar

This page is a resource of the Second Masonic District of Pennsylvania and its constituent lodges to inform Brethren and visitors about upcoming events and activities which are of District wide importance.


The Second Masonic District hosts a variety of events throughout the year that benefit the community and provide the lodges of the District opportunities to engage in projects too large for individual lodges to sponsor.

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Upcoming District-Wide Events

Teutonia Lodge No 367

Bus Trip to Teutonia Lodge

Thursday, April 17, 2025

Departs from Harrisburg Consistory 5:00 PM

Meeting, Dinner, and Fellowship

Returns at 10:00 PM

Contact David C. Ravegum, P.M. for reservations

Dauphin County Liberty Tree Dedication

On October 17th, the Right Worshipful Grand Master of Pennsylvania, District Deputy Grand Masters, District Lodge Officers, Civic Leaders, and guests gathered at Fort Hunter Park for the dedication of the Dauphin County Liberty Tree.

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The Pennsylvania Liberty Tree Project

During the American Revolutionary War, the Sons of Liberty often convened under the nation's original Liberty Tree in Boston, to discuss their opposition to British rule in the colonies. This historic tree became a beacon of hope to colonists and a symbol of American freedom. In an attempt to stymie these colonists, the British destroyed Boston's Liberty Tree. Suddenly, patriots throughout the 13 colonies began to designate new Liberty Trees. The last known original Liberty Tree sat on the campus of Saint John's University in Maryland, until it was destroyed by Hurricane Floyd in 1999. Today, seeds from a scion of the original tree are being collected, grown into seedlings, and planted across the Commonwealth!

Generously sponsored by and in partnership with the Pennsylvania Freemasons, America250PA's Liberty Tree Project includes a certified Liberty Tree planted in each of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties beginning in the Fall of 2021, through 2026.

District Calendar

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